As announced earlier, we celebrated our art fest on 31st September 2015. Off stage literary items were conducted beforehand on 23rd and 24th of July. The program stared at 9.00 am with Morning Prayer. Mr. C.V Issac (Principal, BCEMS) inaugurated the fest and delivered the inaugural address. S. Gopika of class X (Arts Captain) gave the welcome speech. Felicitation was given by Mrs. C.C. Cissamma (Vice Principal) and T. Akash, the Head Boy. The inaugural ceremony was concluded with the vote of thanks by CCA coordinator, Miss. A. L. Jeejamma.

cultural day
The programs were organized in three different stages. There was a food court where ice creams and snacks were sold. And the programs were ended up by 4.45 pm. All the programs were organized in a well-planned manner under the coordination of CCA Coordinator, Miss. Jeejamma.